Peach Plum Pear will be screening at the 2012 Sedona International Film Festival on Friday February 24th! There will be a Q&A afterwards with Mackenzie Phillips and a bunch of other amazing films. More details coming ASAP!
Great news! Peach Plum Pear will be screening in March at The Vista theater in Hollywood, CA! It's open to the public and tickets will be on sale SOON so keep checking back for a link and an official date!!
PPP lead Tyler Blackburn being interviewed by about the new Pretty Little Liars episodes premiering in January as part of the second half of Season 2! Make sure to tune into ABC Family on Monday nights to see Tyler and the rest of the liars!
Our girl Mackenzie Phillips recently spent some time with Peter Walsh from 'Extreme Clutter' on the Oprah Winfrey Network! Follow the link below the photo check out photos and watch the full episode, which is the Season 2 Premiere!